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Pictures of Eastern Kings County, PEI, Canada August 2001
North Lake, PEI
An Artist at work
North Lake, PEI
Practicing a new song
North Lake, PEI
Sketching the harbor
North Lake, PEI
Sunset on clouds
North Lake, PEI
Sunset on clouds
North Lake, PEI
Sunset on clouds, with music
Souris Line Road, PEI
A nice field of oats
East Point, PEI
One hot summer
East Point, PEI
Wet dog
East Point, PEI
Red cliffs near East Point
East Point, PEI
Red cliffs near East Point
East Point, PEI
Perfect sand
East Point, PEI
More wet dog
East Point, PEI
Easternmost sand
East Point, PEI
Easternmost sand
East Point, PEI
Watch the boat
East Point, PEI
Ferry to the Madeleine Islands
East Point, PEI
Lost his head ?
East Point, PEI
Buried the dog
Monticello, PEI
J.C. Myers sings
Monticello, PEI
J.C. Myers sings
North Lake, PEI
Digging up sealife
North Lake , PEI
Digging up sealife
North Lake , PEI
Digging up sealife
North Lake , PEI
Digging up sealife
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